Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ghetto Pain

Ghetto Pain.
Oh my,
There is so much pain
In this ghetto.

Our minds our enslaved.
Babylon, our oppressors.
Why Lord
Must we suffer
With this ghetto pain?

Do you know ghetto pain?
It’s an internal, ever burning struggle
That never goes away.

Ghetto Pain is when you pray that you
Still have a roof over your head tomorrow.

Ghetto Pain is when you remain quiet but then look at the current state of the youth,
Left with a heart crying rivers and streams of pain & sorrow.
And you remain silent because when you speak, they don’t listen. And when they do listen, they are no longer speaking because they have fell victim to the six walls of their wooden prisons to rot in the depths of Mother Earth.

Ghetto Pain is when you pass through the ghetto and your heart cries for those youth,
Always saying a little prayer unto the MOST HIGH that He will lift them
Out of their misery one day.
Reason  being?
Because you are a ghetto youth just as they are.
You know all too well the pain and suffering they feel.
Even though you were able to escape,
You still feel ghetto pain on a daily basis.
It’s like a bad habit that never seems to get rid of itself.

Ghetto Pain is when you cry
Yourself to sleep because
It hurts so much.

Ghetto Pain is when you pray.
Not any arbitrary prayer.
But a daily emergency prayer.
One where
You beg for God’s mercy.

Not for your own sake.
But mercy that He won’t take
Your best friend away from you.

A prayer that leaves your knees
Bleeding from the torn floor boards.
Every drip and drop of blood
Filled with this ghetto pain.

Why do you pray these bloody prayers?
You feel ghetto pain.

And if the Lord
So happens to take your best friend
And she is no longer here . . .

What are you  left with?
No best friend.
And this

I urge you.
Take a step into this Ghetto
That has become our paradise.

Do you dare to cross that threshold?
And experience this agonizing pain.

Tell me the truth.
What do you REALLY know about
Our ghetto pain?

Step into our paradise.
Take my hand and step into
This paradise.
And feel.
Our Ghetto  P A I N.

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