Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Four Letter Word

What does love mean?
When will you ever be mine?
When will I own your heart?

These questions saturate
The four corners of my mind,
Infesting me with the disease
Of that four letter word,
That has festered into
An open sore in the
Four chambers in my chest,
Forever pounding that
Four letter word.

I’ve been loving you from a distance for years,
Hoping that in these four years
I could find out that
Four letter word.

Your heart and mind belongs to me
But your body to another man.
How can this be that
Four letter word?

Every night I hail seven cries
Praying that to one day,
Live seven lives,
With you.

But how can I without that
Four letter word?

I would do anything to put a smile on your face,
With my whole heart,
And that four letter word.

You probably do not know the extent to which I do.
I need you more than you would ever need me.
Your partnership is anointed
In the name of the MOST HIGH.

You are a special gift from God,
Treat you like a precious diamond,
Every morning is Christmas morning,
Unwrapping you into a blanket of that
Four letter word.  

I sometimes close my eyes and day dream of that day
When I will finally sit on the most high mountain top
And give you THE WORLD.
My life will forever be for your happiness,
Forever filling your days with that
Four letter word.

Seven cries,
Seven lives,
Praying for an eternity,
Will you ever accept my
Four letter word?

-Tim Rupnarain

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